Cost & Carbon Calculator
1. Design data
Enter the inputs related to your project and choose your preferred calculation approach for the results.
Calculation Approach
Concrete Strength
Project Size
Reinforcing Steel
2. Mesh/Rebar solution
On the Results page, you'll see a Dramix® solution that's been automatically optimized to match the traditional reinforcement you provided here. Any fields marked with a lock icon won't be changed during this optimization process.
Mild Reinforcing
Rebar Diameter
Rebar Spacing
Steel Grade
Rebar Location
3. Dramix® steelfiber solution
You can disregard this section. On the Results page, we'll recommend the most cost-effective Dramix® type and dosage. If you have a preference for a specific Dramix® type or dosage, you can enter it here and it will be considered in the recommendation. Otherwise, you can leave this section as it is.
Dramix® typelocked for optimization